
  1. Dr. Cabral Detox - In our modern world, we come in contact with thousands of chemicals, toxins and pollutants on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, it can have a number of adverse affects on our health -- from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating and more. The Dr. Cabral Detox is a comprehensive, full body Functional Medicine detoxification system that gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level. Here is the 7 day detox (vs 14 days).

  2. Daily Nutritional Support (chocolate) - You know how important it is to fuel your body on a daily basis with the nutrients it needs to thrive. The problem is, even if you're eating healthy, it's nearly impossible to achieve optimal nutrition through food alone (even organic). This is why the EquiLife Daily Nutritional Support was formulated by Dr. Cabral. It is a vegan, hypoallergenic protein powder, fortified with a wide range of activated vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, detox co-factors, and electrolytes, making it a one-stop-shop to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet.

  3. Daily Probiotic Support - With so many probiotic products on the market, how can you know which strains are of the greatest benefit to you? Our bodies are home to trillions of microorganisms that help us digest, extract energy from food, and maintain a healthy inflammatory response. Daily Probiotic Support provides eight beneficial well-researched strains of beneficial microbes known to survive the passage of digestion, in powerful doses to help promote optimal gut health.

  4. Vitamin D3 - Ensuring your immune system is robust is crucial, but obtaining enough high-quality Vitamin D through the diet or sunshine alone can be difficult if not impossible. Vitamin D3: High-Potency Liquid is a convenient, high-potency liquid formula to quickly and easily add the benefits of Vitamin D3 to your day. This easy to digest, fat-soluble formulation tastes good and has been proven to enhance absorption and utilization in the body.

  5. Full Spectrum Magnesium - Magnesium plays a role in over 300 processes in the body, ranging from mental function, muscle contraction, and sleep regulation. Unfortunately, many of us do not obtain sufficient magnesium through diet, leading to a variety of challenges. Full Spectrum Magnesium utilizes three unique delivery formats ensuring maximum absorption and effectiveness in the body.

  6. Adrenal Soothe - In today's fast-paced world, it's impossible to avoid the stressors of daily life. Over time, stress can cause mental fatigue and more. While you can't remove stress from your life completely, you can support the body in order to manage it better. Adrenal Soothe contains clinically studied ingredients to support your exposure to stress, achieve mental clarity and calm your mind.

  7. Food Sensitivity Test - Solve your food-based health mysteries by testing your levels of sensitivity to 190 common foods. Includes a 30-minute call with one of Dr. Cabral’s certified IHP health coaches who will discuss with you exactly which foods you are having a mild to moderate to severe IgG reaction to.
    There’s no question that the foods we eat have a big impact on our health and quality of life. This is a simple and straightforward way to get the results you need to begin making positive health changes in your life. Welcome to personalized natural medicine at its best!

  8. Complete Stress Mood and Metabolism Test - It’s absolutely vital that you know exactly what your hormone levels are as you age. Plus, if you’re dealing with any type of lowered mood, metabolism or mojo this is the time to get tested. If your goal is losing weight, we want you to know that it has less to do with daily caloric intake or how much you exercise and everything to do with hormone balance, cortisol levels and metabolism.
    Add hidden inflammation to the list and it’s little wonder why you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off! This easy, at-home lab test measures your levels of thyroid, adrenal output, and hormones. Plus, we’ll assess how well your blood sugar levels are being managed and where your vitamin D levels are at for optimal health, longevity & immunity!