Say Yes to Your Future Self

How can you say yes to yourself today, tomorrow, and the future version of you? Did you know that If you want to change your life, you have to change your life? Will you gain something from investing in yourself? Today, I’m sharing how you can and should say yes to your future self!


Say Yes to Future You

During the holidays there is so much pressure. We put pressure on ourselves to have the perfect decorations, buy the best gifts and participate in all the festive activities. But is this necessary?

It is important to learn that you should only say yes if it serves you or feels good. Not in a people-pleasing way. 

What can you do for yourself? How can you say yes to me?

Many times, especially during the holidays, we say yes to ourselves in the form of candy, extra drinks, or doing something that doesn’t serve us. Instead, we need to think about saying yes to the future version of ourselves. The highest and best version of you. Think about what THAT person needs. 

Invest in Yourself

The idea for this podcast came to me as I was thinking about the amazing women in my group coaching program. They invested in themselves and their business. Every day they show up in a way that contributes to their future self. 

When you say no to one thing, you are saying yes to something else. 

Many times to grow it helps to look for a program or mentor. Someone you can learn from and someone who is where you want to be or has the tools to get you there. 

I have invested SO much money in my own business, certifications, and education but it has been worth every penny. When you spend time and money on something it is a contracted deal with yourself that will motivate you to show up

Investing in programs gives you accountability. You are saying yes to your current and future self and that is priceless.

Get Uncomfortable and Challenge Yourself

When you identify who you want to be and what you want to achieve it can be uncomfortable. Change is often uncomfortable. BUT…

If you want to change your life, you have to change your life. 

If you don’t like what you see or how you feel, you need to get uncomfortable, challenge yourself, and change something!

When you do it with the correct mindset it feels so good. When you find an opportunity for growth, say YES to yourself. 

If there is an area where you know you aren’t showing up for yourself? Release the excuses. Our circumstances are what they are, but only you can choose how you think about them. Stop making excuses. 

How can you show up for yourself today and every day moving forward?


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