January Vibes- I'm Here to Help

How would you feel if you actually achieved your goals? What does it mean to be committed to your goals? How do you drop the limiting beliefs you’ve always told yourself related to what you want to accomplish? We’ll talk about all of this in more in today’s episode. January vibes- I’m here to help!


Ditch the “Resolutions”

Did you know I no longer use the term resolution? That’s right. Now I create intentions. Let me explain.

I always had the same three resolutions year after year: get organized, make more money, and lose weight.  It wasn’t until I changed my mindset that those three things actually happened. 

Instead of coming from a broken place that needed to be fixed, I started thinking about how I wanted to FEEL. From that place, I set my intentions, create my goals, and act accordingly. I act as if I’m going to achieve them because I know I will.

Ask for More Out of Life

I know that goals can be a lot and feel overwhelming. When you are brave enough to ask for more out of life you are always rewarded in a big way. Ask for more, take the action, and receive the reward. 

The commitment you make to yourself is the key piece to achieving your goals. We make and keep commitments to everyone else but it’s so easy to put ourselves on the back burner and make excuses. 

Imagine you are brave. You are asking for MORE. You are taking action accordingly.  Goals guide your energy, focus, and momentum. They are just a guide but they need to light you up. 

You Determine What Success Looks Like 

I want you to think about something that lights you up. Something that you are excited to achieve. It can be anything.

Think about how you want to feel and create your goals from that mindset. How would you feel if you actually achieved your goals? This will provide focus and motivation.

While goals are important, it is important to note that they aren’t the sole purpose of your life. Your goals should not be a personality trait. They are just a vehicle to expand into other areas and to help you show up. 

When you have a clear vision of who you want to be your action steps become more clear and are revealed to you. 

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are the stories you’ve always believed to be true about yourself.

I can’t lose weight. I’m too awkward to promote my business on Instagram. My partner pays the bills because I’m bad with money. 

What would happen if you didn’t believe these stories? Who would you be if you dropped those limiting beliefs or used them as your motivation? Here’s how:

  1. Recognize your limiting belief

  2. Decide if you want this to be true.

  3. Drop the limiting belief and decide on purpose what you want to be

When you drop your limiting beliefs you can act according to your goals. 


Meagan FitzgeraldComment