How Saying “ I Have To” Steals Your Power

How many times a day do you make a mental note of something you “have” to do? Stop and think…do you really HAVE to do it? Chances are the answer is no. The idea for today’s episode came to me while in the shower of all places, while looking at my chipped-up toenails! Today we’re talking about how saying “I Have to” steals your power.


Do you really “have to”?

We recently took a family “vacation” to Boca Roton, Florida. Vacation prep was nonexistent (minus the one set of matching swimsuits I bought) due to our entire family being sick.

As I was washing my hair I glanced down at my raggedy toenails and realized that so many people in my same situation would immediately think to themselves “I HAVE to get a pedicure before vacation.”

I looked at the specks of missing polish I was filled with relief that I didn’t add this “I have to” to my long to-do list. Because in reality, it wasn’t something I HAD to do.

This could translate to anything in our lives. Saying “I have to” takes our power away. If it’s not important to you, then it’s not a priority.

Take Your Power Back

We don’t HAVE to do ANYTHING!

It’s time to replace “I have to” with “I want to,” “I choose to,” or even “I choose not to.” This gives us power over our own lives and choices. 

I relate this to dinner time at our house. I make four dinners most nights (that’s another story for another day). Do I HAVE to do this? Absolutely not! I CHOOSE to. 

Body Image

The same mindset is true when it comes to our bodies. As women, we often think “I have to lose weight.” However, this is just a social construct we’ve observed and absorbed our entire lives. Something that our “diet” culture taught us to do leading up to summer or vacation.

Let’s drop the I HAVE to and replace it with I want or choose to do. You can just as easily choose NOT to. Go up a size and feel comfortable in your skin. Love your body for being alive and be grateful for it. Imagine if this was your mentality! 

When you stop judging yourself it is so freeing!

Our words matter and our subconscious mind pick it all up. Let’s rein it in and empower ourselves. You don’t HAVE to, and you SHOULDN’T! 


Meagan FitzgeraldComment