Recovering from too much fun...& eating/drinking

First of much better is life when the sun is shining?!? I forgot what it was like to walk outside and actually enjoy it!!! 

Here's the deal - Last weekend I went to Montreal with a group of fab girls that I've know forever for my bff's bachlorette party. When getting together with your girlfriends the last thing you want to think about is a "diet" or stress about exercise.  As we get older time spent together laughing and just being all around weirdo's becomes less frequent and it's so sad!  That's why we need to really embrace the quality time and focus on what's important: friendship, laughing, cute outfits, mullet wigs and cocktails. 

The Monday I got back I was on a mission to get back to normal. I scheduled a photoshoot for my site/promotional things for the following weekend and I needed to get back on track ASAP.  After the weekend of antics I was FOUR lbs heavier than when I left.  I'd like to think it was just water weight but who knows...Just keeping it real ;). I completed the shoot (pics to come) and my body did not look as lean as I wanted but oh well...I did the best I could while working tons and limited time to exercise.  Here's what I did to get back on track quickly:

1:  Fill up on fruits, veggies and lean protein:  Back to basics. Only eat whole foods.  Your body needs to re-calibrate, get digestion back to normal and cleanse.  Fruits and vegetables are easy to digest, contain the vitamins and nutrients like fiber to help you heal and detox.

A typical lunch of greens, beets, peppers, quinoa and tuna.  Small amounts of olive oil, vinegar and lemon.

A typical lunch of greens, beets, peppers, quinoa and tuna.  Small amounts of olive oil, vinegar and lemon.

2. Cut alcohol and added sugar:  Sugar in fruits is fine, I'm talking sweets and added sugar in soda (actually NEVER drink soda please), sweets and coffee.  God knows I drank enough alcohol over the weekend so that was easy to stay away from.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar: I swear by this for digestion, energy and overall detoxifying.  It tastes horrible fyi.  I drink it before dinner as I find it too harsh in the morning. 

  • 2 tbsp of ACV
  • Splash of water
  • Sprinkle of cinnamon


4. Sleep & relax:  This is probably the most difficult step for me.  I have a horrible time falling asleep at night but this is getting better thanks to acupuncture and breathing techniques. Remember, sleep is essential for your body to repair itself.  Shoot for 7 hours. 

5. SWEAT!: My favorite step. I pretty much love all forms of exercise but have fallen back in love with hot yoga.  A workout like this feels so cleansing for the mind and bod.  Its so amazing to walk out of there completely drenched, feeling light and strong.  No, I'm not cheating on Pilates just adding more yoga to my schedule whenever possible!

Do you have any other tips or tricks? I'd love to hear :).

Stay strong and healthy ppl!



Chocolate & Date Protein Bites


More Soup...since I'm still freezing