Thankful I get to do what I love everyday...

This is Thanksgiving week so it's the perfect time to reflect on what you're thankful for PLUS this month also marks my 1 year anniversary of being a full time instructor and Health Coach. Talk about thankful!!!  I am so incredibly grateful that I get to do what I love every day, help people achieve their goals, build their confidence, exercise AND make a living.  

Tess- Thanks for coming to my classes, cheering me on and for all of your helpful advice! Lauren of "Sweat with Lauren Hefez" - I'm forever grateful for your support and encouragement. "Work" brought us together and I can never say thank you en…

Tess- Thanks for coming to my classes, cheering me on and for all of your helpful advice! Lauren of "Sweat with Lauren Hefez" - I'm forever grateful for your support and encouragement. "Work" brought us together and I can never say thank you enough for all you've done for me. Love you!

People often say things like "wow, must be nice to be you and just teach Pilates and barre" its easy to give so much energy 7 days a week to hundreds of people (combined classes/client). First of all its IS nice, amazing in fact but it certainly isn't easy and wasn't an overnight transition.  Here's a little background on how I ended up where I am plus a love note to those who make it possible.

I can remember as young as 12 years old, my Dad would tell me "Do what you love and the money will follow".  I was really too young to comprehend what that meant especially since at that time what I "loved" was dance class, hanging out with my friends, playing "workout", and talking to boys on the phone.  I could I make a living doing any of that?!?  My dad was self employed and my mom was a secretary.  They certainly weren't doing what they loved and the money didn't seem to be following so I was very confused.  As I got older it all started to click. 

As I've expressed before, I was extremely unhappy with my body even though I obsessed over every calorie I ate and spent hours at the gym every day.  I found Pilates/barre/plant based diet and my body changed almost immediately!  I was so inspired by my results I knew I had to teach this and help other people find this strength and confidence.   

These girls make side sit-ups look easy! 

These girls make side sit-ups look easy! 

Working as an Account Executive in media sales I was overworked, stressed and not loving the industry after 6+ years. I was making great money and I had some of the best boss's in the business so I should have been happy. I learned SO much from them about how to treat people (or how NOT to treat people which was the case with one horrible boss in nyc), how to be fearless in my approach to contact potential clients, really put myself out there and how to "ask for the sale".  All was going well and my future looked bright but my head and heart was in a completely different place. 

With tons of support from my husband, I gave up my weekends for months and worked my ass off in my 500 hour Pilates certification then started teaching almost immediately. Thanks to my sales skills and friends that helped me along the way I was hired at two independent studios where I was able to build my confidence as a teacher and learn from others who had made the leap to full time teaching. I'm so thankful for the people that gave me a chance when I was first starting as this really built my foundation.  THEN came an opportunity to teach in the Reformer studio at Equinox where I did my training and even though I didn't feel ready I went for it.  ***Side note, you never feel READY but when the opportunity is there you take it. 

THEN came an audition to be a group fitness instructor at Equinox. Again, I did NOT feel ready. I had been admiring the instructors in NYC and Boston for so long, they were like celebrities to me! How the F could I teach alongside the best in the biz?!? Welp long story short I got the gig and started teaching 6 days a week in addition to the 5 days I was working full time in the office. That was a lot. 

During this time I also completed my training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Certified Health Coach and teach people how to feel their best by eating REAL food and through lifestyle change.  This was the turning point. I now had multiple ways to build my business, find clients and help people!  My last day at my "desk job" was October 31st, 2014.  While I shed tears leaving (like a real psycho) since I loved many of the friends I made there plus my awesome boss, I was SO excited to move forward and I haven't looked back once! 

Me, Matt and baby bump <3

Me, Matt and baby bump <3

I can't thank my husband (who has been by far my biggest supporter and I owe basically all of this to him), friends, former co-workers, fellow instructors, managers and fam enough for helping make my dream possible.  Working alongside the best in the fitness industry has been intimidating at times but has made me better, stronger and smarter.  I am so thankful for all of you!

To my clients...I love you! You make me tick and give so much energy and love everyday!  You come in sick, over worked, prego, exhausted, injured etc etc and conquer all the excuses normal people would use and you do whats best for your body and mind. You are AMAZING!  Thanks to you I look forward to "work" every single day. 

Trillfit vol. 3 coming up THIS SUNDAY!!! Join us!&nbsp;

Trillfit vol. 3 coming up THIS SUNDAY!!! Join us! 

Yes, I know how lucky I am and I'm forever THANKFUL! 

What are you thankful for??? Helpful (partially annoying) tip: focus on that rather than how much you're going to eat on Thursday ;).



ps: Trillfit vol 3 is happening from 1-3 THIS Sunday! Join me and the Unnamed Run Crew for the best post Thanksgiving workout ever.  I'll be posting more about the event and you can click here for more info and for tickets!



Homemade snacks


How to overcome insecurities when starting a new routine...