Fitness Instructor and Holistic Health Coach
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I've gone from an overworked, over exercised, food fearing, corporate girl, ball of stress to -> clear headed, curious, passionate and focused. Oh and full of body love, acceptance & abundance.

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Real freedom for me came when I let go of a mindset of fear & lack. I moved from restriction to abundance. Rather than "I can't have" it's "I get to...". Stick with me here...


One of my favorite quotes that was a major catalyst for me: "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new" - Socrates. Oooooh that one GOT ME! Fighting the old is a waste of energy. I've had to build the new over and over. As a wife, mom of 3 and business owner I am constantly building the new!  

This is what I help my clients do. If you want something you've never had you have to do something you've never done...right? Right. After years of struggling (with weight, body image, money, etc) I decided I was tired. Tired of blaming my circumstances and tired of thinking "I'll be happy when...". I decided I wanted to be happy NOW.

 It took years of work. A transition from the corporate world where I was finally making the 6 figures I had worked so hard for - into a career of coaching & fitness that I truly loved. More work to see my body as something that deserved love & healing. It was in that healing that I found peace. I also found myself at my strongest + most confident. This wasn't by accident. It was a very deliberate unlearning of all the body bs I had picked up over the years. It was unlearning that I should play it safe and stay in a job I hated. I found my power, my voice, my confidence. 

My work isn't done, this is a lifetime of learning. After having 3 incredible girls, I've realized I'll be evolving as long as I'm on this earth. I'm so grateful for the struggles of my past because they allow me to fully show up for my clients in coaching, fitness and on the podcast.



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